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181 experiments
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Thermal Resistivity of Conductors and Semi Conductors

Thermodynamics Laboratory

Electron Diffraction Experiment

Modern Physics

Thomson Electron Tube Experiment

Modern Physics

e/m Electron Indication Experiment

Modern Physics

Spectrometer Experiment

Modern Physics

Millikan Oil Drop Experiment

Modern Physics

Michelson Interferometer

Optics and Waves Laboratory

Young's Experiment

Optics and Waves Laboratory

Sound Frequencies

Optics and Waves Laboratory

Franck-Hertz Experiment

Modern Physics

Laser Optics Experiment

Optics and Waves Laboratory

Determination of Brewster’s Angle and Index of Refraction

Optics and Waves Laboratory

Color Combinations

Optics and Waves Laboratory

Van De Graaff Generator Experiment

Electromagnetism Laboratory

Basic Electricity

Electromagnetism Laboratory